Manufacturer File
The Manufacturer File contains information about each manufacturer of products that you sell. A manufacturer record usually represents the corporate name of a manufacturer, but can also represent a brand name, a private label, or a generic product category that has no actual manufacturer, such as marble or granite.

The fields that comprise the Manufacturer File are described below. Keep in mind that depending on your filter settings some of these fields might not be displayed.
Field Name | Description/Instructions |
Manufacturer's Name and Address | Enter the manufacturer's name, address and phone number. |
Restrict to these companies | Enter up to three company numbers to which you want to restrict this manufacturer. This feature is mostly for licensees of the ROGUE (Remote Office and Guest User Environment) system. It prevents users of one company from viewing products of another company. |
Default serial number | Enter a default serial number here for the Receipts and Back Order Fill System (on the Inventory Control Menu) to automatically insert for each receipt of this product. |
Generate Unique Serial Numbers? |
Enter Y to generate unique serial numbers. The Receipts and Back Order Fill System automatically assigns a unique six-digit serial number each time a receipt is entered. Associated Files:
Unique S/N Prefix: Suffix: |
These fields allow you to assign a one or two character prefix and suffix to serial numbers automatically generated during the receiving process. Unique serial numbers can aid in identification of inventory transactions, and improve bar code scanning processes. These fields along with the field Generate Unique Serial Numbers work in conjunction with the receiving application to assign unique serial numbers to inventory at time of receipt. For more information, refer to Inventory Management. For example if the Prefix is set to A and the Suffix is set to R, unique serial numbers will be generated for all inventory receipts of products from this manufacturer, and those serial numbers will be generated in the following format: AnnnnnnR - Where nnnnnn represents a unique six-digit number. This format applies to all products for this manufacturer, unless overridden in the Product Line File, or overridden on individual receipts. |
Activate the Rebate Matrix Table for this manufacturer |
Enter Y to activate the Rebate Matrix Table for the manufacturer you selected. Enter N if you do not want this manufacturer to activate the Rebate Matrix Table. You can use the Manufacturer's Rebate Matrix Table to establish standard rebates for a manufacturer based on the selling price. The table is activated when you set the appropriate options in the Company Settings File and in the Manufacturer File, for each manufacturer that uses this type of matrix. The Rebate Matrix Table lets you proactively establish a rebate system with manufacturers who do not currently offer one, and simplify cumbersome account-by-account rebate programs. To participate in a rebate system, a manufacturer need only support your efforts to increase their market share. The Rebate Matrix Table contains the range of prices that trigger the rebates and the rebate amounts. This file can work in conjunction with rebates entered in the Promotional Pricing File. Any applicable rebate found in the Promotional Pricing File overrides any applicable rebate found in this file. You can also use the X by Y Rebate Analysis Report to report or claim these rebates from the manufacturer. |
Use P.O. Qty on receipts | Enter Y if you want the receiving program to automatically assume the quantity on the purchase order being received when a purchase order number is specified. As the receipts are entered, the Quantity and U/M fields are automatically filled with the quantity and unit of measure on the purchase orders. This field should be set to Y for manufacturers who consistently ship the exact quantities ordered. This field is ignored for rolled goods, as the exact quantities per roll must be entered. This feature can significantly reduce the time it takes to enter receipts. The default is N. |
D/Del | Enter D to delete this record. This field requires a high-level password. We do not recommend deleting records, because you might also delete historical statistics for a manufacturer. |

You can enter special instructions about a manufacturer and notate those that should be printed on either an invoice, pick list, order acknowledgment, purchase order, or reorder report.
All special instructions can be printed in a separate listing using menu option RPT 171 on the iSeries (green screen). You can use the listing to proofread the instructions or as a reference. The listing can include all or specified types and sub-types of instructions. For example, you can print installation instructions separately, or you can print only the French entries. You can run this list, for example, for specific items or product lines.
Because the system adds overhead to all print programs that access special instructions, this feature is optional. If you want to activate this feature, go to the company settings program on the System Settings Menu to set the appropriate switches. You can turn this feature on separately for pick lists, purchase orders, invoices, and order acknowledgments. If you do not require this feature, set the options to N.
The following table describes the fields on the Manufacturer File Special Instructions screen.
Field Name | Description/Instructions |
Main Type Sub Type |
Pick one of the system defined Main Types. Sub Types are user defined. Use the sub types to add additional information and another reporting layer. Sub types represent the language in which the instruction is written. Leave blank if the instruction is applicable to all customers. One example of how the sub type can be used is for entering a customer language code to limit printing of the line for customers with that language code. For example, an instruction with sub type F prints only if customer is coded for French. |
Text | Enter special instructions. |
Print? |
Specify where this information prints: on the picklist, acknowledgement, invoice, or purchase orders. Enter Y to print. Enter N not to print. The manufacturer's special instructions print on the specified documents, under the last consecutive item number within that manufacturer. Any special instructions with no sub-type code, such as language, only print for customers with the same language code. Lines coded with Main Type P print on Reorder Reports. |
P/L | Pick list. |
Ack | Acknowledgment or quotations. |
Inv | Invoice to customer. |
P/O | Purchase order to supplier. |
Col |
Use this field to color code Product Knowledge information on the Customer Service Product Knowledge Screen which is accessed within Order Entry. These color codes control each individual line on the Order Entry Product Knowledge Screen. We recommend that you develop a company-wide strategy concerning which colors should relate to which types of information. For example, substitute items could appear in pink, important product disclaimers in red, or installation instructions in white. The I (invisible) code should be used for any information that should not be viewed by customer service during Order Entry. |